CoolSpools Spool File Converter
Convert iSeries spool files to PDF, Excel, XML, HTML, text or other formats. Publish reports to your iSeries, Windows or UNIX server, website or intranet. Archive spool files. Splits spool files. Merge PDFs. Supports all iSeries spooled file types as input, including SCS, APFDS, IPDS, USERASCII (PCL), LINE and AFPDSLINE.
There's no need to buy additional software or printers, no need for a non-iSeries server, or any proprietary hardware, no need to create overlay objects and no need to modify your applications.
CoolSpools Spool Converter is a module of the CoolSpools Suite which can be purchased separately for $1,995 or as part of the CoolsSpools Plus Suite for $2,995. The CoolSpools Suite includes 6 modules in all. Prices above include first year's maintenance and support. Maintenance and Support after the first year is less than 17% of SRP.
Do you know of another System i solution that can do all this? Let alone for the price?