IBM iSeries Power6 9407 M15

The IBM iSeries, Power6 9407-M15 Model 520 has a 1-Core POWER6 4.2 GHz processor, providing up to 4300 CPW, 16 GB of Memory, 4 MB of L2 cache, 1.7 TB of internal disk space via 6 arms.
The 9407 M15 POWER6 Server shares many features in common with the 8203-E4A POWER6 server. The primary differences between these two servers is that the M15 is an 'As Is' configuration with no expansion or upgrade possibilities.
(#5633) - 1Core 4.2GHz POWER6 Proc Crd
Provides a system planar for the 9407-M15 which has a 1Core 4.2GHz POWER6 processor card. #5633 has four DIMM slots and a minimum of 2 DIMMs (one DIMM feature) must be installed. If a second memory feature is installed, it must be identical to the first memory feature.
- Attributes provided: System Planar with 1-way Processor
- Attributes required: Model 9407-M15
- For 9407-M15: (#5633)
- Minimum required: 0
- Maximum allowed: 1 (Initial order maximum: 1)
- OS level required: i5/OS V5R4 with V5R4M5 Machine Code, or later
- Initial Order/MES/Both/Supported: Both
- CSU: Yes
View our IBM iSeries system page for other IBM i Power7, Power6 & Power5 System Models or AS400 System page for older IBM 9406 models. Send us your IBM i 9407-M15 system or MES Upgrade requirements for a quote. All iSeries systems and features are IBM Certified and eligible for IBM i Maintenance Contracts. IBM Banding can also be provided upon request. All IBM hardware comes with a limited warranty.