Power5 9406-520 Disk Drives

<p>Our iSeries <a href="/iseries-systems.html/ibm-iseries-systems.html/ibm-i-series-power5-9406-520" target="_blank">9406-520</a> Disk Drives for <a href="/ibm-power/power7.html
" target="_blank">Power7</a>, <a href="/ibm-power/power6.html" target="_blank">Power6</a>, <a href="/ibm-power/power5.html" target="_blank">Power5</a> and IBM 9406 <a href="http://www.midlandinfosys.com/ibm-i-series-as400/ibm-as400-systems/as400-disk-drives" target="_blank">AS400 Disk Drives</a> are IBM Certified and eligible for IBM Maintenance Contracts. All IBM Power <a href="http://www.midlandinfosys.com/ibm-i-series-as400/iseries-systems.html/iseries-disk-drives" target="_blank">iSeries Disk Drives</a>, <a href="/iseries-systems.html/ibm-iseries-systems.html" target="_blank">iSeries</a> systems, <a href="http://www.midlandinfosys.com/ibm-i-series-as400/iseries-systems.html/iseries-memory" target="_blank">iSeries Memory</a> and other <a href="http://www.midlandinfosys.com/ibm-i-series-as400/ibm-as400-systems" target="_blank">AS400</a> parts include warranty. Some items may only be available in new, used or refurbished condition.</p>
<p>Every Power5 Model 520 includes 8 slots for Disk Drives in the system unit, and supports hot-plug or hot-swap disk drives. The IBM 9406 520 includes a non-Raid controller, but can be upgraded to a RAID-5 controller with write cache. SAS Disk Drives are supported in the 5886 EXP 12S Disk Drawer. Please contact us if you are not sure what iSeries Disk Drives are right for your environment as well as unsure about other required features and slot related concerns.</p>